Covid 19... Life as we know it will never be the same

Covid 19... Life as we know it will never be the same

It was business as usual, life as usual, economy booming, unemployment down, IRAs up, spring break, summer vacations… and then life came to an abrupt halt…

All of a sudden the lives are turned upside down and we find ourselves unable to do basic things that, as we realize now, were so much taken for granted. People are nervous to go shopping, unable to go out to eat or get together with friends. Vacation plans are put on hold and most inessential businesses are now closed.

I am an eternal optimist and always view everything as “glass is half full.” Yes, Covid 19 is a horrible pandemic like something you see in sci-fi movies, but is there anything positive that may come out of all of this?

  •      Kids are home from schools spending time with their parents and siblings

  •      Parents are home from work spending time with their kids and with each other

  •      Families are having dinners together and actually talking to each other face to face

  •      People are helping one another and displaying incredible acts of kindness and heroism

You can’t help but think “I can’t wait until this is over,” thinking that life will go back to the way it was, but will it? Many of the enormous changes that have happened in response to the virus will likely return to normal. Some things, however, may never go back to the way they were. 

Certain changes to come out of the pandemic will be relatively small adjustments to everyday life. For example, a lot of workers and businesses may choose to continue remote work after social distancing ends. More and more employers will realize that an employee can be just as efficient and accomplish just as much, if not more, working remotely.

Outsourcing certain services like: financial and administration processes, human resources (HR) functions, call center and customer service activities, accounting and payroll, and business development, will be widely utilized by many businesses as business owners and executives will understand its many benefits such as;

  • Saving money and time

  • Saving workspace

  • Illuminating the need for office equipment and its maintenance

  • Increasing efficiency

  • Saving manpower and training costs

  • Allowing business owner to concentrate on the core of your business

  • Increasing customer satisfaction

  • Reducing the overall management burden while retaining control of strategic decision making

This is the concept that Marshall Face2Face was built on and have been successfully fulfilling business development needs of companies in various industries for over 11 years. Our business development consultants are highly trained, experienced professionals that have had many successes in bringing companies together by using our unique approach to lead generation and appointment securement.


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